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The Wall: A Hopeless Situation

By TheAnimaSeries


I had a doctors appointment a few weeks ago and, toward the end of it, my doctor told me that the treatment he had been so sure would bring healing after 6 or 7 appointments was still making no difference after appointment number 16. I held it together in the doctors office, but as soon as I got in the car, I broke down. So many questions were running through my head as the tears ran down my face: What am I supposed to do now? Where am I supposed to go? Who can help me? No one thus far, so why would that change in the future? And then I came to the conclusion: this is hopeless. I have no where else to go, no way out... As soon as I got home I opened Facebook and saw that a good friend had sent me this video. It was so Providential because after I watched it, hope was back in the picture. 

"Maybe God does His best work from seemingly hopeless situations"

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